Financing options and funding programmes
philGRAD offers neither doctoral fellowships nor doctoral positions.
philGRAD will be happy to advise you on scholarship offers and funding opportunities for doctoral students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. If you are interested, please make an appointment. In addition, we will give you an initial overview of other national and international funding opportunities as well as career portals on the pages below.
Information material
Our ‘Scholarship overview’ (PDF download on the right) provides you with an initial overview of scholarships for doctoral candidates with information on specific funding programmes, application requirements, application processes and deadlines to be met.
The scholarships listed below are divided into the classic area of career and individual funding as well as mobility grants such as for conference participation or archive trips.
Another section deals with the topic of ‘printing cost grants’, as the successful completion of a doctorate must also be planned in good time. You will also find dissertation prizes in our overview as well as further information and databases.
Cusanuswerk (Kath. Kirche) (German only)
Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst (Ev. Kirche) (German only)
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship
Gostralia! Research Centre (GRC) (German only)
Marie S.-Curie Individual Fellowships
Forschungsstipendien: Maison des ciences de l'Homme (MSH)
Max Weber Stiftung - Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im Ausland
MOST (Taiwan) Research Fellowship
Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem
Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E)
Postdoc-Stipendien: Stiftungsfond Martin-Buber-Gesellschaft
Travel Grants: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German only)
ADAMAS Stiftung Götz Hübner (Interkulturelle Studien Deutsch-Polnisch/Deutsch-Griechisch) (German only)
Barbara-Wengeler-Stiftung (Vernetzung von Philosophie und Neurowissenschaften) (German only)
Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund e.V. (German only)
Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim (German only)
Philosophische Fakultät HHU (Pdf, German only)
Richard Stury Stiftung (Kunst- Kultur- und Theaterwissenschaften) (German only) (DIE ZEIT) (German only)
DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
duz Wissenschaftskarriere (German only) (German only)